Whenever we hear about policeman a figure that comes in our mind is a man in uniform holding a stick in hand. We find them everywhere on the streets. More specifically we can sat that, traffic police is seen on the streets and crime branch stays in the police stations and chase criminals. 

Police is the most useful servant of a nation whose main purpose is to maintain peace and protect the general people. He wants everyone to obey the laws of the land and punish then who disobeys the laws. He is a terror for the criminals. A police officer risks his life in order to protect the civilians. 

Daily life of a policeman:

 Every policeman has to wake up very early in the morning and went to office and come back at late night. Sometimes they have to stay whole night on roads for our safety. Even on pandemic they had to work whole day and night. They have to go for different missions by risking their lives. We must not forget that the have lives too. They have families too. Their wives wait for them whole day in hope of spending a few moments with them. Many times they went out of home seeing their child sleeping and when then went home they see their child sleeping. Even on special occasions like family programs, annual ceremony of their child's school they can't attend due to duty. Even holidays are very rare in their job. They get only 15 days as holiday in the entire year. Obviously for some major medical issues they get off but that was not included here. When they left home they are not sure if they can come home at night or not. Their families worry about them whole day. May be there will be a few policeman who didn't face injuries in their entire career. Even in times of heavy rain and storms they have to work or I should say they have to work even harder at that time. Many policeman have sacrificed their lives while protecting the country and many were severely injured.

Importance of  policeman:

 A policeman works very hard. Many people do not like policeman because of his rough behavior. Yeah its true that some policeman are dishonest but most of them are not. They have huge responsibilities on

them. Just think that all policemen are dishonest. In that case the crime rate would have increased at an enormous rate and people will not have any place to lodge their complain. The society would have destroyed. Accidents will happen at every moment. There would be no laws and discipline at all. As a result, all policemen are not dishonest and there are laws for the dishonest one as well. General people have to understand that police work for their safety and they should co-operate with them. With a memorable contribution of 504 personnel to the UN mandate of peacekeepers uphold its commitment; Bangladesh meanly occupies the 4th position among contributing counties(PCC) in the world.


 Police are basically for public. They don't care whoever you are if you break the laws you will be punished. The post of a policeman is very high. As the proverb goes, ' Great power comes with great responsibilities'. A policeman have the right to interrogate any person anywhere, obviously there will be some boundaries as well. A policeman can't cross that boundaries, in case if they did so there is court to handle this case. We should respect a policeman and co-operate with them. This will be good for both and it will result into a peaceful and  disciplined territory. 


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