Child Labor: A Curse to Humanity

 What is child labor?

Child labor refers to taking advantage of children through any form of work that deprives children of their childhood, creates interferences with their ability to attend regular school and is mentally, physically and morally harmful. Child labor is a violation of children's rights and it exposes them to hazardous situation or stop them from going to school. Children are forced to work like adults at a young age. Child labor is a global problem that prevents children from fulfilling their dreams.

What are the root causes of child labor?

Children are most often involved in child labor because their guardians think that it is normal for children to work. While talking about child labor, it is vital to understand from the perspective of the children, family and community itself. Below are some root causes which causes children to face child labor. Firstly, poverty is the main root cause which drives children into workplace. When families cannot meet their basic needs such as food, education or healthcare, they are bound to send their children to work to handle the household income. Secondly, lack of access to quality education is also related to child labor. The availability and quality of schooling is among the most vital factors. School need to be a welcoming environment, a curriculum which is designed for both rural and local communities. When they want to study in school belonging to a middle class family, they are not prioritize which causes them to be shameful and start working in different places. Lastly, limited understanding of child labor is also a cause of this problem. The view that work is good for skill development and character building of children. Families do not understand the dangers of child labor and how these impacts on the health, safety and future of their children to work. Some social and cultural beliefs can also be drivers of child labor.

Child labor in Bangladesh-

Child labor is mostly common in Bangladesh. Child labor can be found in agriculture, fish processing, garment sector and leather industry as well as in shoe production. Bangladesh is well known for garment and leather industries. Children also perform dangerous tasks in the production of garment and leather industries. Bangladesh is one of the developing countries that ahs largest number of children, who work under difficult situations. Children who belong to poor family are bound to work to take care the cost of their family. Children aged between five and fourteen years are engaged in child labor in Bangladesh. But the government of Bangladesh is taking steps to eliminate child labor by adopting a legal approach.

Who should end child labor?

No child should be working. Every children have the right to obtain an education, the right to play and enjoy their childhood. Child labor means the poverty continues to be present. But making a change, it requires taking action everywhere where child labor occurs. Therefore, government, businesses and citizens around the globe should take the responsibility and become a part of the solution. If we cease accepting it in the fishing industry, garment and leather industries, domestic work, and agriculture, we can end child labor together. Mainly the government should come forward and make a law so, that it could be easily followed and bring child labor to an end.

How to prevent child labor?

To prevent child labor everyone should come forward to bring up a solution. We should educate ourselves and share knowledge with others. When we become aware of the ongoing problem of child labor we can contribute to ending it by sharing with our friends and family. Increased access to education can help to prevent child labor. Removing a child from child labor does not mean that they will attend school. Because schooling can be costly and some parents would think that they would not be able to take care of the expenses and sending their child to work is the obvious alternative. People can make their contribution by raising awareness about the importance of education. Create petitions and social awareness on social media to prevent child labor. Nowadays, people are very much active on social media, if they come forward and sign petitions regarding prevention of child labor we could come a long way from preventing child labor. We can create awareness regarding child labor through social media and put an end to child labor. Therefore, trying to put an end to child labor can help children fulfill their dreams and help them have a secured future ahead.


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